Welcome to JMIETI
VISION "Excellence Through Creativity and Innovation"
MISSION "To Produce World Class Engineers, Managers and Technologies with Training of Head, Heart and Hands Employable anywhere in the world"
Seth Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Institute of Knowledge and Service is one among twenty two institutions spread over Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab and owe their existence to the munificent and philanthropic spirit of Seth Mukand Lal, a close adherent of Gandhi Ji. He came under the Gandhian influence in earlier twenties. Gandhi ji had fondly nick-named him “Pagla Bhagat”. Seth Mukand Lal reportedly bore the entire expenditure incurred in the holding of All India Congress Sessions on the banks of river Ravi, Lahore in 1929 where resolution for complete independence of India was adopted. Illiterate himself, he vowed to dispel the darkness of ignorance
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Discover how to anticipate and adapt to the latest
trends and digital technology to make real
progress in your career and accelerate business

It has been great meeting new people at College and engaging with them in my academic studies. I found the teachers in all my subjects to be incredibly helpful, which significantly contributed towards my success. Throughout my four years, I have been encouraged by the teachers to participate in various workshops and sessions held, to widen my horizon in technical as well as in interpersonal skills. You get a lot of opportunities.Work hard to get it.

Obviously it's natural to be skeptical about selecting the appropriate college to build your career. By God's grace, I landed on the JMIETI Website. The way in which all faculty members treat me from the very first day, I really felt that these people can guide me better than anyone to become a good professional. I took a leap of faith and decided to pursue my graduation in this prestigious institution. I was always loaded with amazing information from the ebooks and every other relevant study materials provided in the library , energized by all the fresh new training programs, and guest lectures.Really, I didn't join an organization, I joined a family.

JMIETI provides a ladder to go ahead with education which supports us throughout our life; it makes us different from other applicants and gives us opportunities to excel in life. I am happy to be an employee of Zapbild.

I am really influenced by the quality education and placement at JMIETI. I was enlightened by great insight of the eminent teachers. I strongly suggest JMIETI to all the aspirants for there bright future. I work with Telemune Software Solution Pvt. Ltd.

The B.Tech in Computer Science from faculty of JMIETI is highly industry-oriented and provides a wide gamut of knowledge. The 4 years spent here were full of learning opportunities with the right blend of fun and academics. Our teachers were the best mentors who motivated us in every stage. They also helped me getting placed in Crazy club animation studio Pvt Ltd.., Delhi. JMIETI provides us various platforms to showcase our skills and talents. I thoroughly enjoyed my student life while my Graduation degree.

It was a great experience studying at JMIETI Radaur, a memory to cherish for lifetime. My experience at JMIETI was full of learning and grooming. Being an affiliation of global University that is Kurukshetra University, It gave me an opportunity to meet different kind of people from around the world and learnt many things from them. I am thankful to all the faculties, mentors and entire SET department for providing us with quality education. I am also grateful to Faculty Members for organising placements in this pandemic and helping me to become a Online Digital Marketer as a Freelancer in the field of Web Development and Digital Marketing. Overall it was a great experience and lifetime memory at JMIETI Radaur. If you want to make a career in CSE I would highly recommend you to join JMIETI.