You are here : Book Bank Scheme
Book Bank Scheme
Book Bank
The library has book bank facilities for all the students of JMIETI.
- Each student is issued at most 4 books.
- Book bank books are issued for full session.
Inter Library Loan
The Institute is a member of DELNET (Developing Library Network) a major resource-sharing library network. The inter library loan and Document Delivery Services are provided through DELNET on demand.
Conditions for Loan
- Library member is required to come to the library personally to take books/documents on loan.
- Reference Books and the special material are issued to the members for overnight only.
- No library document will be given on loan, which is not in a condition to be safely handled by the borrower.
- Before getting books issued, any mutilation or markings should be pointed out immediately by the member to the circulation in-charge and his initials be obtained there, otherwise the borrower shall be responsible for mutilation or markings discovered afterwards.
- Librarian reserves the right to recall any book/ library document issued to the members even prior to the due date of return.