Entrepreneurship Development Cell
Industrial and R&D development of a country is linked to the type of technical manpower produced by technical institutions. To make optimal use of facilities, expertise and know how available in technical institution, it is essential that appropriate links are established between institutes of higher learning and the industry. Some of the mechanism which have gained popularity world over include Science Parks, Technology parks, Technology Business Incubators, Techno polis, Schools of small business development etc. Further stress is being laid on innovation based industries and knowledge based industries. In 1982(NSTEDB) National Science Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board set up by the Government of India under the Department of Science and Technology, has focused on appropriate mechanism which could:-
- Help in strengthening institute industry interaction.
- Provide awareness of gainful self-employment to Science and Technology persons(S&T).
- Promote entrepreneurial culture in technical institutions and institutions of higher learning.
Objectives of EDC
- To create entrepreneurial culture among S&T persons.
- To better linkages between host institutions, industries & R&D institutions in the region.
- To develop S&T based enterprises & promote employment opportunities.
- To respond effectively to the emerging challenges and opportunities relating to SME & Micro Enterprises.
Functions of EDC
- To organize Entrepreneurship Awareness camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and Faculty Development programmes in the region for the benefit of S&T persons.
- To develop and introduce curriculum on Entrepreneurship Development at various levels including degree/diploma courses of the parent institution and other institutions in the region.
- To conduct research work and survey for identifying entrepreneurial opportunities particularly in S&T areas and service sector.
- To guide and assist prospective entrepreneurs on various aspects such as preparing project reports, obtaining project approvals, loans and facilities from agencies of support system, information on technologies, etc.
- To organize guest lectures, TV & radio tasks, seminars etc. for promotion and growth of S&T based entrepreneurship.
- To arrange visits to industries for prospective entrepreneurs.
- To extend necessary guidance and escort services to the trainees in obtaining approval and execution of their projects.
- To act as a regional information centre on business opportunities, processes, technologies, market, etc. by creating and maintaining relevant databases.
- To provide testing, calibrations, quality assurance, design, tool room, pilot plant and other facilities for entrepreneurs besides expertise in intellectual property rights, patents search, etc.
- To render advice to sick enterprises and assist the entrepreneurs in rehabilitating them.
- To conduct skill development training programmes leading to self/wage employment.