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Survey Lab

Fluid Mechanics Lab

Structure Mechanics Lab

Transportation Lab

Soil & Geotech Lab

Concrete Lab
S.NO. | Items | Quantity |
1. | Apparatus for to determine met centric height of the ship model | 1 |
2. | Apparatus of Bernoulli’s theorem | 1 |
3. | Apparatus of venturimeter & orificemeter (with variable head arrangement) | 1 |
4. | App for hydraulic coefficient of an Orifice (CdCcCv) with arrangement of mouth piece | 1 |
5. | Apparatus for to calibrate a given notch | 1 |
6. | Apparatus for development of boundary layer over a flat plate | 1 |
7. | App for velocity measurements by current meter float double float (demo only) | 1 |
8. | Apparatus forced vortex formation | 1 |
9. | Tilting Flume apparatus with settings to perform the following experiments:-(a) Study of Profiles over a Broad Weir(b) Study of Hydraulic Jump(c) Study of Sudden Contraction(d) Study of Velocity Distance measurement(e) Study of Free fall(f) Study the Scouring Phenomenon around a Bridge Pier Model(g) Study the Scouring Phenomenon for flow past as spur(h) Study velocity distribution in a rectangular open channel | 1 |
10. | Drag Co-efficient Apparatus | 1 |
11. | Losses due to Pipe Fitting Apparatus | 1 |
12. | Impact of Jet on Vanes Apparatus | 1 |
13. | Centrifugal Pump Apparatus | 1 |
13. | Cavitation Apparatus | 1 |
14. | Reynold,s Numbers Apparatus | 1 |
Structure Mechanics
S.NO. | Items | Quantity |
1. | Clerk’s Maxwell Reciprocal Theorem App. Simply supported beam app | 1 |
2. | Deflection of Truss Apparatus | 1 |
3. | Curved Member Apparatus | 1 |
4. | Three Hinged Arch Apparatus | 1 |
5. | Behavior of Column and Struts Apparatus | 1 |
6. | Elastic properties of deflected beam App. | 1 |
7. | Compression Testing Machine (Electrical Cum Hand Operated) | 1 |
8. | Portal Frame Apparatus | 1 |
9. | Elastically Coupled Beam Appartus | 1 |
10. | Redundant Joint Apparatus | 1 |
11. | Unsymmetrical Bending Apparatus | 1 |
12. | Two Hinged arch Apparatus | 1 |
Transportation Lab
S.NO. | Items | Quantity |
1. | Bitumen Extractor | 1 |
2. | Shape Test(Flakiness and elongation) | 1 |
3. | Crushing Value Apparatus | 1 |
4. | Los Angeles Abrasion Test | 1 |
5. | DevalAttrition Test | 1 |
6. | Bitumen Penetration Test Apparatus | 1 |
7. | Bitumen Ductility Test Apparatus | 1 |
8. | Aggregate Impact Test Apparatus | 1 |
9. | Flash and Fire Point Test Apparatus | 1 |
10. | Softening Point (Ring and Ball Test Apparatus | 1 |
11. | Marshall Stability Test Apparatus | 1 |
12. | CBR Test Apparatus | 1 |
13. | Specific Gravity and water absorption Test Apparatus | 1 |
14. | Film Stripping Test Apparatus | 1 |
15. | Dorry Abrasion Test Apparatus | 1 |
Soil & GeoTech Lab
S.NO. | Items | Quantity |
1. | Pycnometer(Specific Gravity of Soil) | 3 |
2. | Density Bottle with stopper | 2 |
3. | Brass Set of Sieve | 2 |
4. | Mechanical Sieve Shaker | 1 |
5. | Liquid Limit Apparatus | 2 |
6. | Plastic Limit Apparatus | 2 |
7. | Proctor Test Apparatus | 2 |
8. | Core Cutter Apparatus | 2 |
9. | Sand Replacement Apparatus | 1 |
10. | Thermostatically Controlled Digital Oven | 1 |
11. | Relative Density Test Apparatus | 1 |
12. | Permeability Test Apparatus | 1 |
13. | UnConfined Compressive Strength Test Apparatus | 1 |
14. | Direct Shear Test Apparatus | 1 |
15. | Rapid Moisture Meter | 1 |
16. | Consolidation Test Apparatus | 1 |
17. | Tri-axial shear Test Apparatus | 1 |
18. | Standard Penetration Test Apparatus | 1 |
Concrete Lab
S.NO. | Items | Quantity |
1. | Vicat Apparatus | 2 |
2. | Air Permeability Test Apparatus | 2 |
3. | Le-chatilier for Soundness of Cement Test | 12 |
4. | Slump Cone Test | 1 |
5. | Compaction Factor Test | 1 |
6. | Vibrating Machine Test | 1 |
7. | Flow table Test | 1 |
8. | Rebound Hammer | 1 |
9. | Flexure Strength Of beam Test apparatus | 1 |
Centre of Excellence for Quality Control and Material Testing Lab
S.NO. | Items | Quantity |
1. | Deval Attrition Test | 1 |
2. | Marshall Stability Test | 1 |
3. | Bitumen Extractor Test | 1 |
4. | Bitumen Ductility Test | 1 |
5. | Aggregate Impact Test | 1 |
6. | Aggregate Crushing Value test | 1 |
7. | Flash & Fire Point Test | 1 |
8. | Softening Point of Bitumen Test (Ring & Ball) | 1 |
9. | Flakiness & Elongation Test | 1 |
10. | Slump Cone Test | 1 |
11. | Compaction Factor Test | 1 |
12. | Specific Gravity of Bitumen Test | 1 |
13. | Film Stripping Test | 1 |
14. | Bitumen Penetration Test | 1 |
15. | Total Station | 1 |
16. | CBR Test | 1 |
17. | Proctor Test | 1 |
18. | Core Cutter Test | 1 |
19. | Vicat Apparatus | 1 |
20. | Plastic Limit & Liquid Limit Test | 1 |
21. | Flexural Strength Test | 1 |